The Start of Something New

I can't quite explain it at this moment, but I have felt for a long time that God has been calling me to start a blog. I kept putting it off because I had no clue where to start or what I would even say. Today, I decided to simply step out in faith and let God do the writing.


The idea that we are daughters of the one true King is not a new one. Ephesians 1 tells us that we were adopted into His family when we chose to accept him. This knowledge has permeated my mind for years, however, the idea that being that daughter also makes me a princess is a relatively new one to me. This idea began to flourish during a women's conference at Nineteen:Ten Church in Boerne, TX when our Lead Pastor, Jason Brown, spoke about knowing your worth and who God created you to be. God works in miraculous ways and He certainly began a miraculous work in me that October weekend. I was at a point where I saw no worth in myself and was losing joy and hope in the promises of God. 

I would never have considered myself a prideful person as I could point out just about every flaw I had. With each new flaw I found, I heard "You aren't good enough" or "You will never be enough". These thoughts soon took over and took every piece of self-worth I had with them. In reality, all I had done was become so consumed with myself and what others thought of me that I had masqueraded my pride as humility. I forgot who God said I was and I had diminished the work of art that God had created me to be.

I have finally come to a point where I refuse to accept a life void of joy. I refuse to sit back and watch the enemy believe he has won a war that Jesus already won for me on the cross. I am choosing to stop living as a VICTIM of my circumstances and start living as a VICTOR. This blog begins my journey into accepting my identity as that daughter of the King. A daughter of a King is a princess which makes me a Princess of the One True King!
